When my heart nearly gave out and lessons on balancing one’s life

Doctors don’t tell you the entire truth about the excruciating slow recover after your heart nearly gives out. They don’t tell you that even after a month, you still dread climbing stairs, a walk can completely tire your body, and how important sleep becomes. The heart, as one discovers, is a powerful organ. When it…

What is wrong with being Lucky?

The gig is up! They will find out you are a fraud….Ladies and gentlemen- welcome to the imposter syndrome jail- where doubt clouds good judgement; skill is clouded by hard work and the sense of unworthiness keeps you from speaking up. Let me be honest right now- there is nothing comfortable about writing this. Its…

The Gift of Returning Home

I was terrified. I could feel my heartbeat quickening as the plane landed. All of a sudden, I was not sure it was a good idea to have come. I contemplated on what it would take for me to just turn around and go back to New York. Coward? Absolutely! But at that moment, I…

Confession of a book addict

I bought this book for the socks…or sock? yes people- there is such a thing as judging a book by its cover. Surely you can’t blame me. look at the cover….what kind of drunk would you have to be to show up half dressed and that skinny on a book cover? Couldn’t be kwashiorkor…but still-…

My top 10 “do-better in 2018” #selfcare list

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is waking up every morning, and despite the fear and mis-givings, facing the day with every intention to win. Sometimes, courage is simply loving yourself enough to make sure you are okay. Atleast this is what 2017 has taught me. In April last year I got admitted…

Ottawa Kwanzaa

Imagine the green, black, and red of pan-Africanism in perfect harmony with the colours of the visible spectrum. Imagine the subtle dance of Caribbean music simultaneously cleansing the spatial distribution of energy. Imagine the aroma of island spices and seasoning before touching your ever-salivating palette. The clothes: kente cloth everything, the traditional imvuntano from Burundi,…

Will All the Manists Please Stand Up?

After spending 15 years in the US- it took my coming back to Nairobi to encounter a manist. Yes- that’s right. Feminism has a partner now. And for a movement that seems to be growing teeth, I am just encountering this…out of all the places in the world – Nairobi. A few weeks ago, at…